Fact Sheets
About Excellence
Founded in 2011, the Foundation for Excellence in Mental Health Care engages in a broad scope of activity, including support for independent research, innovative programs and education.
International in scope and organized as a community foundation, Excellence addresses critical and persistent challenges in mental health care, connects people, institutions and resources, produces significant results and publishes them.
The Global Scientific Advisory Council of the foundation reviews research and program development projects for the purposes of grant-making and of reviewing grant results. All grant recipients are held accountable. Specifics about submitting a grant request and about the reporting standards are available at mentalhealthexcellence.org.
Excellence convenes groups interested in developing new mental health protocols and treatment strategies. A “neutral convener” avoiding the politicization of issues, the foundation sponsors its own symposia, co-sponsors conferences and helps others to plan and implement conferences.
Excellence acts as a fiscal agent for other mental health groups, helping them obtain grants and raise funds. It is currently the fiscal agent for the Community Conversation in Washington, DC, part of the National Dialogue on Mental Health. It provides assistance with capital campaigns, fundraising and endowment management.
Excellence enables philanthropy of all types and at all levels. Donor-advised funds of several types can be created for immediate giving or estate planning. Gifts to existing special-purpose funds and gifts in direct support of the foundation are accepted. Excellence is a 501c3 charity, so all gifts are tax-deductible.