Give directly to Excellence through the General Fund
Direct investments in Excellence are essential to our work in transforming mental health care, including an active outreach to other individuals, families, clinicians and philanthropists.
Keep Excellence thriving
Besides supporting our operations, investments in the Excellence General Fund are used for grants to nonprofit research, program development and education initiatives. The Board sets annual grant-making objectives and makes disbursements. Giving to the General Fund is easy and flexible:
- You can choose the focus of your contributions
- Almost any asset can be donated, including stocks, insurance policies or cash.
- You can give on a one-time or regular basis.
There is no minimum donation, and we are organized to help the largest philanthropists contribute effectively.
Contribute your time and energy
Lasting reform depends on many voices raised in unison. You can be part of the movement by educating yourself and those around you. Explore the many resources available here – books and journal articles in the Library, Headlines, and Rally Blog posts. (Use the RSS feed to receive notice when new items are posted.) Don’t forget to like us at Facebook and subscribe to our e-newsletter. We can help you spread the word by providing speakers for your local groups or professional meetings. We can also help you find a National Dialogue event or work with you as you plan a conference or other event. Our ability to serve as your fiscal agent makes event planning and fundraising easier. You can help others understand by sharing your story through
Further your own research or program development
Watch this site for research and program development results as they are published as well as for papers generated through symposia and conferences and for grant opportunities as they are made available.