HOPEnDialogue Rome Kickoff

The kickoff meeting of HOPEnDialogue, a new Open Dialogue international research collaborative, in Rome, Italy, July 2, 2019

In 2019, the Foundation for Excellence in Mental Health Care began funding HOPEnDialogue to promote and assess the fidelity of Open Dialogue practice and evaluate its effectiveness internationally. HOPEnDialogue, coordinated by the Italian National Research Council, is inspired by- and linked to the ODDESSI-study, the first randomized trial of Open Dialogue, ongoing in the UK. | Kickoff Program


Raffaella Pocobello, PhD

Gina Nikkel, PhD & Chris Gordon, PhD

Drs. Guiseppe Salamina & Raffaella Pocobello

Drs. Steve Pilling and Russell Razzaque

Marcello Macario, MD

Andrea Zwicknagl

Jaakko Seikkula, PhD

Mary Olson

Nick Putman

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