When you place your contributions in our care, you can count on Excellence to operate efficiently and invest wisely.
To ensure that the goals of the Foundation for Excellence in Mental Health Care continue to be met, the board of directors uses a comprehensive Investment Policy that provides for prudent asset management.
An investment team composed of Excellence Board members and experts from Gerber/Taylor and CFWNC provides consulting and recommendations on Excellence investment activities. Our capacity to achieve our goals is directly tied to the preservation and growth of our financial assets. The investment funds currently available to FEMHC donors (beyond a money-market cash investment) are the CFWNC Multi-Manager fund and the CFWNC Conservative Allocation fund.
While each fund is accounted for separately, the assets of Excellence are pooled for investment purposes, yielding significant economies of scale. Investment managers are charged with maintaining and increasing the inflation-adjusted value of endowed funds with the goal of meeting charitable distribution and grant-making needs.
A complete list of administrative fees is available here.